Detail from Amos Bad Heart Bull’s drawing of an Elk Dreamer ceremony. The robed, crouching figure on the lower left tests the dreamer’s power by shooting objects. The truly empowered dreamer would be invulnerable to harm.
Amos Bad Heart Bull’s drawing of a Ghost Dance in September 1890. The center pole has two pipes resting at the bottom. Two dancers in the middle lie prone while having visions. Note the individual designs on dancers’ shirts and dresses.
A painting of eight figures. They are either wearing red or in red flames. Their heads are facing away from the viewer, except for two figures on the right. The figures are dancing and not all of their feet are planted on the ground.
A painting of three figures dancing. They are all in various poses and their bodies are partially covered by swirls that surround them. The background is grey, blue, orange, brown, and yellow swirls.